Local Action Groups
Each project partner will appoint a Local Co-ordinator. The role of this person will be:
- establishment and maintenance of local cross-sectoral partnership
- participation in Steering Group Meetings
- coordination of local market mapping
- participation in Peer review
- coordination of local action learning module
- coordination of inputs into peer review and development workshop reports .
In addition the Local Co-ordinator will establish a Local Action Group. This will be a cross- sectoral group of local/regional/national actors who are involved in measures to address the issues underlying this project. This group will meet bi-monthly and provide the vehicle for the effective implementation of the agreed project actions. Furthermore, this group will also identify the delegates who will participate in the peer review exchanges.
In addition to these mechanisms for project management and effective consultation and decision making, the project will within the project website create a development forum which will provide the means for all members of the Local Action Groups to network with each other as well as post items for online discussion forums. Our aim is to ensure that practioners are actively engaged in this project at a number of levels and via a number of mechanisms.
With support from the European Union *
*Sole responsibility lies with the author. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein