The Genderwise project supports the development of integrated Local and Regional Action Plans for Gender Equality, with a specific focus on developing and promoting the role of men as change agents in the reconciliation of work and family life.
Genderwise final report
Project Presentation
Over the last decade, there has been a growing interest in the role of men in promoting gender equality, in particular as the achievement of gender equality is now clearly seen as a societal responsibility that concerns and should fully engage men as well as women.
Whilst there has been a growth in the attention given to the critical role men and boys can play in the achievement of gender equality, the achievement of gender equality is still to a large extent considered a women's issue. In other words, there is still a considerable policy "impact lag" in terms of action. That is why this proposal seeks to capitalise existing experience and know-how and thus enable the creation of local/regional action plans.
Project Objectives
The overall aim of this project is to support the development of integrated Local and Regional Action Plans for Gender Equality, with a specific focus on developing and promoting the role of men as change agents in the reconciliation of work and family life.
In order to achieve this overall aim this project will:
Expected Results
This project has a number of expected results and outputs:
The establishment of 11 Local Action Groups which would act as the catalyst for local/regional change. Each LAG would be cross-sectoral and have a minimum of 12 members
11 Local dissemination workshops which would disseminate the outcomes locally/regionally
The creation of an online policy and good practice exchange(Agora Praxis) which would have the following elements:
- Case studies of practice relating to the three areas of focus
- Links to relevant websites and publications
- Mentoring network of men and women promoting change.
- 11 Local action plans
Establishment of a panel of men at local/regional level in each of the partner locations. This panel would act as a promoter and catalyst for the role of men in gender equality
Disseminate the results transnationally via existing networks and websites and thus promote the role of men as change agents in gender equality
To develop a common methodology for the development of local/regional gender equality plans
- Evaluation Report
Project management
Central project management team
The central project management is based in Brussels and is responsible for overall strategic management of the project. The project co-ordinator is Aurelio Dugoni.
Contact Details:
Aurelio Dugoni
Tel: +32 (0)2 524 45 45
Fax: +32 (0)2 524 44 31
Project Steering Group (PSG)
First Steering Group Meeting
The first Project Steering Group meeting took place in Brussels on the 9 and 10 January 2006.
Download documents:
Second Steering Group Meeting
The second Steering Group Meeting took place in Brussels on 18-19 July 06.
Download documents:
Lead Partner: QeC-ERAN
Institute of Sociology at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
JOL-LET Foundation
Comitato Progetto Porta Palazzo - The Gate
Centro Sicilia Servizi
Stadsdeel Zuidoost (City of Amsterdam)
Regional Development Agency Senec - Pezinok
ITD (Innovacion, Transferencia y Desarrollo)
Asociacion de Mujeres Empresarias de Sociedades Laborales (Madrid)
Federacion de Municipios y Provincias de Castilla la Mancha (FEMPCLM)
Shantona Women's Center