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Restart - Local Action Group

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Members of Local Action Group - District Council Amsterdam South East

Abdoelhafiezkhan, Michael Centre for Income and Work
Adusei, Edward, Policy Advisor in Education (local coordinator)
Andrée, Johan Welfare organisation
Carr, Ama, Local Councillor Amsterdam South East
de Boer, Heleen (local coordinator backup)
de Groot, Marjon, Municipal Council Amsterdam
de Vries, Thom, Regional Education Centre (Vocational School)
Kehla-Wirnkar, Jude , District Council Amsterdam South-East
Leeflang, Gladys , Regional Mention Coordination
Schings, Paul, Alderman Finance, Municipal services, E-government,
Slavenburg, Sjoerd , Head of the section of Education & Labour Market
Van Schoonhoven, Renée, Max Groote Kennis-centrum University of Amsterdam Government Reform, Alphen a/d Rijn
Van Wijk, Arthur, Ministry of Education, Culture and Welfare
Warmerdam, Trees, District Council Amsterdam Noord
Zelzafi,N, DWI

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Abdoelhafiezkhan, Michael

Current Work:
Establishment manager at CWI Amsterdam Southeast

Past Work:
Senior Intercedent at Randstad temporary employment agency. Recruitement and selection and vacancy mediation. Starting en coordinating projects for the labourmarket

Education and Professional Training:
Grammar school (Atheneum), HEAO EJ

Professional areas of interest:
- Vraag en aanbod op de arbeidsmarkt bij elkaar brengen
- Bemiddeling en begeleiding naar werk van Jongeren
- Verzamelen van informatie, gegevens en documenten van klanten t.b.v. een aanvraag voor een WW of bijstandsuitkering
- Verstrekken van adviezen aan de werkzoekenden en UWV en DWI mbt vervolgtrajecten op het gebied van re-integratie
- Adviseren van werkgevers met personeelsvraagstukken
- Verzorgen van banenbeurzen en banenmarkten
- Verzorgen van Workshops

Areas of Expertise:
Dienstverlening aan werkzoekenden en werkgevers op het gebied van werkgelegenheid

Language skills:
English, Dutch


Bedrijvenverenigingen (werkgevers), Taskforce youth unemployment, UWV/DWI


Adusei, Edward



Contact details:
+31 (0)20 - 2525000


Current work:
Senior Policy Maker/Advisor in Education, Migrant Integration and Early School Leavers.
Main responsibilities: Implementation of national policies relating to:

  • Education, the so called old comers policy and early school leavers
  • Development and implementation of local policies relating to education and jobs
  • Advising the departmental and political heads on policy issues and policy problems relating to the early school leavers on the afore-mentioned areas

Organisation:City Council Amsterdam South-East.

Past work:
Two other past jobs.
1. Project Coaching and 2. Administrative staff.
Under 1., my responsibilities were advising and coaching of new migrants to find their way into the Dutch society in the areas of schooling and jobs. Under 2., my responsibilities were preparing and issuing passports, driving licenses, changing of addresses etc.

Educational and Professional Training:

  • Bachelor's degree in Business Administration (Ghana)
  • Introduction to Insurance (The Netherlands)
  • Training in coaching of immigrants (The Netherlands)
  • Master's degree in Public Policy and Administration (The Netherlands)
  • Post master's modules in Comparative Law and Good Governance (The Netherlands)
  • Post master's modules in European Migration Law (from April 2006)

Professional areas of interest:
Working for the disadvantaged, immigrants and the youth.

Areas of Expertise:
Dutch immigration Policy
Dutch integration Policy
Policy Analysis

Language skills:
English and Dutch


Lecturers on migration and integration.
Public servants at the local, municipal and at the national levels.


Andrée, Johan


Contact Details:
Johan Andrée
Sectormanager 12+
Harriët Freezerstraat 117a
Postbus 12241
1100 AE Amsterdam
Tel (020) 5695867
Fax (020) 5696850

Current Work:
Sectormanager 12+ (12 years and above) for Swazoom (Welfare foundation in Amsterdam South East, especially focused on youth). I direct 3 operational managers in the fields "social & cultural work", "youth projects" , as well as the facility management of the whole organisation.

Past Work:
Chairman of a yearly free popfestival (+ 20000 visitors) and a centre for popculture & musical education.
Coordinator of a office for legal advise for (financially) not so well to do people

Education and Professional Training:
University; international political studies

Professional areas of interest:
Working with & for young people from different ethnic backgrounds. Collaborating with schools & various institutions and organisations. Developing and realising cross-institutional or interdisciplinary plans and projects

Areas of Expertise:
Inspire people and creating support for new plans, methods and policies. Writing plans which do work; consider concept plans from an operational focus.

Language skills:
English and German good, French moderate, Spanish, elementary


Pieter van der Zouwen, Bisbis/stadsdeel Amsterdam Zuidoost, social ICT & media projects
Gracilio Pigot , consultant, youth welfare & eduction coproductions
Peggy Burke , trainer, multi-ethnic policy advisor, city coun cil member


Carr, Ama



Contact Details:
Kikkenstein 2332
1104 TD Amsterdam
Tel:+ 31 0627587970

Current Work:
At the moment I am a student doing my Replacement at DMO District Amsterdam. I am a councillor of Amsterdam south east.

Past Work: Student

Education and Professional Training:
Management Economics & Law I will graduate in June with my Bachelor degree.

Professional areas of interest:
Working with children, I voluntary help children with their homework. I work with a Foundation called FIDO that helps parents and their children with their education.

Areas of Expertise:
I am very good at working with children. I have had a lot of practice with my voluntary work and I am also a Sunday school teacher. I am good in organizing conference with topics that concerns the youth.

Language skills:
Dutch and English.


I am a politician, so I have a lot of network with politicians and with the citizens of Amsterdam south east.



de Boers, Helen

Contact Details:
Stadsdeel Zuidoost
Postbus 12491
1100 AL Amsterdam
Telephone number: +31 (0) 20 25 25 000

Current Work:
Project worker Education & Integration for City Council South-East. Main responsibilities are initiating and supporting projects in relation to early school leaving and integration.

Past Work:
This is my first fulltime job after studying. Other jobs that I have done are for example production assistant of Vocal Talent Foundation (organisation around different choirs) and voluntary work in Ghana at a primary school during 5 months.

Education and Professional Training:
Leisure Management (Higher education) and Cultural Anthropology (University). Both finished.

Professional areas of interest:
Working with and for (young) people with different ethnic backgrounds. Collaboration with local organisations.

Areas of Expertise:
(Support in) writing policy and project plans, organisation of different projects, collaboration with partners.

Language skills:
Dutch, good English, moderate French



CWI (Centre for Work and Income), ROCvA (Regional Education Centre), Local organisations



de Vries, Thom



Contact Details:
Bijlmerdreef 1289
The Netherlands
Tel: + 316 51367836

Current Work:
Training manager ROC Op Maat:

  • daily control 2 locations
  • innovation programme
  • contacts with network partners concerning care, workfield and leisure activities

ROM is part of the ROC of Amsterdam, the largest organisation for profession training in the Netherlands. ROM is the special part for premature school leavers between 16 and 23 years.

ROM offers profession training within the sectors technique, health care and trade. ROM cooperates closely with partners in the field of psychosocial and mental problems and the field of profession.

Past Work:
Training manager profession training health care. Manager of an organisation to provide premature school leaving.

Education and Professional Training:
University study of medicine,Training to docent,Several management trainings

Professional areas of interest:
Working with young people, immigrants, social 'high risk' groups, Innovating school programmes, Social marketing

Areas of Expertise:
Education in health care, Innovating school programmes, Social marketing, Statistics

Language skills:
English, French, German and Dutch


Branch knowledge centres technique, health care and trade, National network with schools for equal programmes


Kehla-Wirnkar, Jude


Contact Details:
Anton de Komplein 150
Tel: + 3120-2525000


Current Work:

Past Work:
National programme coordinator for STD/AIDS

Education and Professional Training:
Masters degree, with honours (Socialsciences)

Professional areas of interest:
Unemployment, participation and diversity

Areas of Expertise:
Immigration, poverty and unemployment.

Language skills:
English, French, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese


SMIAM, A3D (Aids advocacy for Africans in the Diaspora)



Leeflang, Gladys



Contact details:
+31 (0)20 - 2525000

Current work:
Regional Mention Coordination (RMC) - Case manager
Responsible for own caseload; guiding youngsters towards education and/or a job. Setting up a network regarding to my cluster (education). Chairperson for a monthly meeting regarding the whole caseload. Giving input to local Early School Leavers policy.

Past work:
1. Human Resources (HR) Advisor
Responsible for the in-, true- and out stream of around 125 employees. Advising managers regarding the existing HRM policy.

2. Link person at an employment agency (Start)
Matching employees and vacancies.

Educational and Professional Training:

  • Bachelor in Human Resources
  • Master Public Administration (currently)
  • A course in project management

Professional areas of interest:
Volunteer in a project that helps improve the reading skills of pupils at primary education. Also coaching (young) peoples who need guiding with choices regarding education or the labour market.

Areas of Expertise:
Analysing, coaching and advising pupils and/or parents with regard to education and the labour market.

Language skills:
Dutch, English, German, French


Dienst Werk en Inkomen (DWI)
Stichting Streetcornerwork (SSCW)
Truancy agents


Schings, Paul




Contact Details:


Current Work:
Alderman for Finance, Municipal services, E-government, Government Reform, Alphen a/d Rijn

Past Work:
Alderman for Education, Welfare and Culture, Amsterdam-Zuidoost.

Deputy head Integration department, Ministry of the Interior, The Hague: integration of ethnic minorities

Education and Professional Training:
Sociology ( University of Amsterdam) , Mathematics (University of Utrecht)

Professional areas of interest:
Education, Public Administration, Integration

Areas of Expertise Education, Public Administration, Integration

Language skills:
Dutch, English, German


Local politics Amsterdam, Ministry of the Interior, Educational boards Amsterdam




Slavenburg, Sjoerd




Contact details:
+31 (0)20 - 2525000

Current work:

Head of the section of Education & Labour Market,:
part of department of Social Development. Responsible for: education, integration and job opportunities.

Past work:
1. Head of section and supervision department. Director a.i. participation NGO Responsible for: office of the New comers, school housing accommodation, obligatory primary schools, and Regional Registration Centre

2. Head of a Cluster: school transport, school housing accommodation

Educational and Professional Training:

Higher Professional Studies (bachelor's degree) certificate in Management training

Professional areas of interest:

  • Development of talents of (young) people
  • Participation in Socio-economic activities

Areas of Expertise:

Education and Youth matters

Language Skills:
English, Dutch, French


Civil servants, School authorities, Welfare experts, Local leaders


van Schoonhoven, Renée

Contact details:
Tel: 00-31-6 24 777 89
or 00-31-20-525 12 45

Current Work:
Senior researcher at the Max Goote Kenniscentrum (UvA) . We investigate system and programming of vocational education in the Netherlands

Past Work:
Coordinator at the Ministry of education, science and culture; function to coordinate the implementation of a new programme at 'vmbo'-schools (1999 - 2002)
Advisor at VOS/ABB, organization of boards of public schools in the Netherlands (1996 - 1999)

Education and Professional Training:
Study of sociology (drs.) at the Erasmus University Rotterdam (1986 - 1990)
Thesis (dr.) in educational studies at the University of Amsterdam in 1999

Professional areas of interest:
To analyse systems and programs of education, including the organisation and administrations of schools.
In that respect specific themes of interest are: early school leaving programs (prevention of...), participation of children and parents in the administration of schools, the social functions of vocational schools in the Netherlands

Areas of Expertise:
See: professional areas of interest

Language skills:
Dutch, English


Available on request


Warmerdam-Bijwaard, Trees



Contact Details:
Stadsdeel Amsterdam-Noord
Buikslotermeerplein 2000
Tel: + 31 020-6349954

Current Work:
Head of the obligatory school and the Regional Registration Centre in Amsterdam North.Responsible thepolicy of the early school leavers and also responsible for the personnel that falls under this department.

Past Work:

- Teacher at a secondary school

- Coordinator of Regional Registration Centre in de Duin- en Bollenstreek

I was responsible for the policy on the early school leavers (17-13 jaar). With some other colleagues, I established a Regional Office for an obligatory school in the Leidse. This office is responsible for the implementation of the policy on early school leavers.

Education and Professional Training:
Bachelor, Various courses in educaton

Professional areas of interest:
Working together with colleagues to combat early school leaving.

Areas of Expertise:
Teaching, dealing with children, especially youths at risk and early school leavers, ensuring that school leavers secure their needed diplomas for the labour market.

Language skills:
English, Dutch, German, French


Public Servants in charge of Education in Amsterdam


van Wijk, Arthur




Contact Details:
Arthur van Wijk (ICP 2150)
Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
Post box 2500 BJ, The Hague, The Netherlands.
Tel:+31 70.412.4801,

Current Work:
The Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. Policy maker for Vocational education & training and adult education (VET); section Innovation and Information.

Main responsibilities:

  • Reframing and long term perspective on early school leaving in the Netherlands.
  • Interdepartmental programme for linking youth care facilities from different sectors (health, education, security, labour and justice).

Past Work:
Student member of the public administration review committee for accreditation of public administration programs in the Netherlands.

Education and Professional Training:
Master in Public Administration, Bachelor in Civil Engineering

Professional areas of interest:
The connection between education and youth care in relation to early school leaving. Research on early school leaving, mainly long term perspective and reframing of the problem.

Areas of Expertise:
Same as above.

Language skills:
Dutch and English



  • Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport
  • Dutch council for vocational education and training and adult education (BVE)
  • NIZW Youth: the Dutch national institute for information and innovation of care and welfare services for young people and their carers
