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Genderwise project
Final Report


Policy context and Sub-themes

Peer Review Exchange Workshops

Examples of Local Actions

Conclusions and recommendations



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Project Aims and Objectives
Project Partners

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Over the last decade, there has been a growing interest in the role of men in promoting gender equality, in particular as the achievement of gender equality is now clearly seen as a societal responsibility that concerns and should fully engage men as well as women.

Whilst there has been a growth in the attention given to the critical role men and boys can play in the achievement of gender equality, the achievement of gender equality is still to a large extent considered a women's issue. In other words, there is still a considerable policy "impact lag" in terms of action.

That is why the project "Genderwise: The role of men as agents of change in reconciling work and family life" seeks to capitalise existing experience and know-how and thus enable the creation of local/regional action plans.

This report brings together the work undertaken by the project and thus creates a synthesis which enables easy access into the work of the project. The report has been produced as an "online" document and as such contains links to a wide range of documents and reports produced by the project as well as those in the public domain. The aim is to enable users to get access to information easily where their needs require.


Project Aims and Objectives

The overall aim of this project is to support the development of integrated Local/ Regional Action Plans for Gender Equality, with a specific focus on developing and promoting the role of men as change agents in the reconciliation of work and family life.

In order to achieve this overall aim this project developed and undertook the following specific objectives:

1. It established and supported in each partner location a cross-sectoral Local Action Group (LAG) which brings together key public sector agencies, employers and community based initiatives. Each LAG undertook the following actions:

  • a local/regional mapping exercise to identify what measures, compatible with national conditions and possibilities, need to be taken in order to develop and promote the role of men as change agents in the reconciliation of work and family life
  • local /regional dissemination/consultation in order to maximise the commitment to this issue and widen "ownership" of the issue
  • linkages with its work and key national agencies/actors were established
  • Production of a local/regional plan for action. This incorporated the establishment of local/regional panel of men who acted as promoters and catalysts for promoting the role of men as change agents.

2. It supported the work of the LAGs by developing and implementing a transnational peer review and development programme which brought together key actors from the LAG’s and external experts relevant to the area(s) of focus for each peer review and development workshop.

The peer review and development workshops focused on the following themes:

  • sharing of domestic responsibilities;
  • gender equality in theworkplace;
  • socialisation and education.

Each workshop focused on one of the three areas outlined above. Each workshop, whilst focusing on the specific themes outlined above aimed to:

  • provide a vehicle for the exchange of experience and practice between the project partners. Thus providing an action-learning approach which draws on the experience of participants from the LAG's and offers support and professional development for the key actors involved
  • With the input of external experts, analyse approaches and strategies that have so far successfully focused on the role of men and boys in achieving gender equality, in different parts of the EU and internationally
  • Identify persistent obstacles and challenges to men's and boys' full participation in efforts to achieve gender equality
  • Identify the value of gender equality for men, and any benefits for men and boys that may result from greater equality between women and men, considering a wide range of issues relevant throughout the lifecycle

3. It capitalised existing practice at local, national and EU levels and created an online policy and practice " market place" (Agora Praxis) which would be a resource for the development and promotion of men as change agents in local and regional gender equality plans/strategies.

4. It produced a transferable framework/common methodology for the development of local/regional plans for action. This would reflect the experience and good practice lessons emerging from the transnational exchange programme as well as the work of LAGs at a local/regional level.


Project partners

The partnership brings together a diverse mix of public bodies, local authorities and NGOs from 8 EU Member States that are all involved in local/regional/national work related to gender equality as well as working on a Europe wide level. All partners have also strong links with other agencies and organisations working with this issue.

The project has been coordinated by QeC-ERAN.

The full list of project partners is:

1. Quartiers en Crise - European Regeneration Areas Network , QEC - ERAN (Belgium)

2. ACCEDO - (France)

3. Innovación, Transferencia y Desarrollo (ITD) - Barcelona - (Spain)

4. Asociación de Mujeres Empresarias de Sociedades Laborales (AMESAL) - (Spain)

5. Federación de Municipios y Provincias de Castilla la Mancha – (Spain)

6. Shantona Women's centre - ( UK)

7. Regional Development Agency Senec - Pezinok - ( Slovakia)

8. Centro Sicilia Servizi - Enna - (Italy)

9. Comitato Progetto Porta Palazzo - The Gate - (Italy)

10. JOL-LET Foundation -( Hungary)

11. Institute of Sociology at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences -( Hungary)

12. District Council Southeast Amsterdam - (The Netherlands)



A project website has been constructed within the framework of the QeC-ERAN website. The Genderwise project website serves as a resource tool for project partners as well as outside parties working on and interested in the field of Gender equality.

The website contains detailed information on the project partnership, project activities and products. There is a dedicated section for the individual Local Action Groups which are responsible for implementing the agreed transnational activities. Members of the LAG also form part of the on-line mentoring network of professionals who have considerable experience of working in the field of gender equality. Each member has created a professional profile describing his/her main expertise and interests.

Another section of the website is dedicated to the local/regional mapping exercises undertaken by the LAGs in order to identify what measures can and need to be taken to develop and promote the role of men as change agents.

Finally, the website also contains a dedicated section to the Peer Review Workshops allowing for easy access to all the presentations made during these workshops as well as workshop and case studies reports.
