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(Social Experimentation for Active Ageing)
Active Ageing
Building Healthy Communities
(European Social Inclusion Platform)

(European Regeneration Managers Network)

INTI: Healthy & Wealthy togehther
Local Forums For Developing
Participatory Democracy
(Woman, Enterprise, Employment in Local Development)
Intercultural Youth Panels
(Integration Exchange)
(Managing migration and integration at local level)
Urb Health
Women in Local Development

Gender Equality

Project Partners

Comitato progetto Porta Palazzo - The Gate, Turin
Amecoop , Madrid
EHSSB, Belfast
SIREN (Social Inclusion Race Empowerment Network), Birmingham

Northamptonshire County Council, Northampton
Charlois District Council - Rotterdam
FEMP-CLM, Toledo

Comitato progetto Porta palazzo - The Gate, Turin

The Porta Palazzo Project Committee was established in 1998, promoted by the City of Turin. It is a non-profit body with mixed participation of public institutions, private companies and local community players with the task of managing and implementing the UPP 'The Gate' project (under art.10 FESR). Since 2002 the Committee is a local Regeneration Agency. Amongst its tasks are promotion of active citizenship, the establishment of new stakeholder groups and local coalitions that are able to negotiate and influence each other, that plan together and sustain agreements and pacts.

Porta Palazzo is an historical part of the city were urban conflicts, social exclusion and integration dynamics with new immigrants present problems and opportunities. Nowadays the urban regeneration process is on the way, and some significant tangible and immaterial effects are visible. Since the beginning the Committee works on community development and empowerment of local communities. In this context one of the main aim is to improve immigrant women - often without any significant voice in the local process - to become actors of participation. That means to offer tools, instruments and know-how to strengthen their role.

Legal representative Marco Calgaro, President
Contact person Ilda Curti, Director
Head of project Ilaria Conti, Head of Social Unit


* = Local Coordinator

Contact Details
Piazza dell a Repubblica 4
10122 Turin

Tel. +39.011.5216242
Fax +39.011.4358533
Web site



Association of Women Co-operatives Industrialists (AMECOP), was set up in 1989 as a women's association without profit. AMECOP undertakes a wide range of activities:altogether it has over two hundred partners who participate actively with each other and a secretariat of thirty people to implement specific activities. The social objective of AMECOP is to promote and support women in co-operative companies, as well as to foster equality of opportunities between women and men.

Legal representative Carmen Martin Garcia, President
Contact person Trinidad Martinez


Contact Details
c/ Valverde, 13 4 a planta
28004 Madrid

Tel. + 34 91 532 24 88
Fax +34 91 522 59 80
Web site


EHSSB, Belfast

The Eastern Health and Social Services Board (EHSSB) is the largest of four Boards established in Northern Ireland by Government in 1973. Today, nearly half the population of Northern Ireland live within the Eastern Board area. Delivering the best care services to the community is at the heart of the Board's business. This is achieved by :

  • Assessing what people need;
  • Negotiating contracts for their care services with organisations and agencies which directly provide these services;
  • Arranging services that are readily accessible;
  • Ensuring that these services are delivered to high standards;
  • Closely monitoring the quality and effectiveness of these services;
  • Planning and developing new services and
  • Demonstrating value-for-money on all services.

The principal aim of the Board is to make real and lasting improvement to the health and welfare of local people.

Legal representative Richard Black, Chief Executive
Contact person Geraldine Tierney, European Officer
Head of project As above


Contact Details
6 Murray Street
Northern Ireland

Tel. +44 2890 327156
Fax +44 2890 821285
Web site


SIREN, Birmingham

The Social Inclusion Race Empowerment Network (SIREN) was established by project participants in conjunction with other networks of BME employee Development Groups following successful completion of a 2 year INTEGRA funded Action Learning Programme. Siren Co-ordinators group have extensive European networking with Amsterdam, Sweden, Roubaix- France, via beneficiary exchanges, on-line discussions and video-conferencing.

  • Networking between BME individuals who are interested in the race debate and being engaged.
  • Organise a programme of events and activities to celebrate BME community contributions in Birmingham
  • To deliver a social enterprise project for educational / promotional purposes using BME Heritage
  • Engage in collaborations and produce e-newsletter about opportunities for engagement for BME people
  • Make use of networking as a mechanism to provide support ,advice and guidance to other BME people
Legal representative Pauline Hurd, Co-Chair of Siren
Contact person As above
Head of project Peter Clarke, Co-Chair of Siren


Contact Details
Street and number C/O 37 Flaxley road
B33 9EF

Tel. + 44 121 687 3109
Fax +44 121 687 3138
Web site


Northamptonshire County Council, Northampton

Northamptonshire County Council covers a wide area with large rural areas mixed with urban areas. The population is about 625,000, and two thirds live in the major towns of Northampton , Wellingborough, Kettering , Corby , Daventry, Rushden, Towcester and Brackley, and the other one third live in more rural village settings. Northamptonshire is strategically located at the 'crossroads of England' easily accessible between major cities of Birmingham and London and Oxford and Cambridge .

Northamptonshire's proximity to the South East is one of the main drivers for economic change. We have one of the fastest growth rates and one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country. Recent government initiatives have earmarked our county as a growth area for potential government support, and the county council is engaged in levering in resources through regional partnerships and developments. This growth means that we are at key stage of regeneration decision making. However, these factors mask the economic and social weaknesses which create barriers for realising some of the potentials described above and impacts most on disadvantaged and vulnerable groups:

  • low overall levels of skills and productivity
  • decline of traditional labour intensive industries such as boot and shoe manufacturing
  • need to raise educational and social standards of young people
  • recent problems in agricultural and rural communities
  • emerging communities, particularly growth in migrant communities

Northamptonshire County Council acts as a democratic community leader and advocate and works with others towards shared objectives which are set out in the council plan and strategic documents. The county council is directly responsible for providing a range of services, including, Education, Lifelong Learning, Libraries, Social Care and Health provision, Highway management, Environmental Planning, Waste Disposal and Fire and Rescue Services.

Legal representative Danny Brennan, Head of Policy, Regeneration & Partnerships
Contact person Nasreen Kaleem, Head of Social Inclusion and Equalities
Head of project As above


Contact Details
24 Guildhall Road

Tel. +44 1604 237884
Fax +44 1604 236644
Web site


Rotterdam - Charlois District, Rotterdam

The district council is the local authority responsible of a range of services (economic development, education, social services, planning, youth and community work) and is the vehicle for local democracy .

The community Charlois in Rotterdam has a population which is diverse with a great many groups of a different nationality. The government of Charlois has embraced the idea that the consistency of the population must be recognized and embedded in the general policy of the community, calling this policy general inclusive. In essence this means that excluded groups have an equal profit and the same opportunities as the native population. New policy is made based on analyses of the group for which this policy is formulated and no longer on the basis of coincidence and tradition.

Whenever it is necessary specific measures can be made. These measures are made to alter disadvantages of a specific excluded group. These specific measures are temporary until the situation of the excluded group is improved.


  • Participation
  • Improvement of intercultural contacts
  • Promoting etnic tolerance
Legal representative Lionel B. Martijn, Alderman
Contact person Herman Gerrits, Head Social Affairs Dpt.
Head of project As above


Contact Details

P.O. Box 5410
3008 AK

Tel. + 31 10 410 7444
Fax + 31 10 410 7494
Web site


FEMP-CLM, Toledo

The Federacion de Municipios y Provincias de Castilla-La Mancha is an association of more than 8 towns and the five cities in this region. Its main function is advice, co-ordination and representation of these communities. In this capacity the association has undertaken a number of European projects within several Community Initiatives, such as NOW, Horizon, Integra. The association also played a role in the local URBAN project for Toledo . Currently the association is also seeking to address issues relating to the use of new technologies in promoting cultural diversity and improving participation. As such its involvement in the Gender Equality project represents an essential part of its on going activities.

Legal representative Eugenio Sanchez Garcia, General Secretary
Contact person Francisco Ortiz Fernandez, Programs Co-ordinator
Head of project As above


Contact Details

C/Camarin de San Cipriano, 3
45002 Toledo

Tel. 34925227624
Fax 34925226148
Web site