Gender Equality
1st SGM
The first Steering Group Meeting took place at QeC-ERAN offices in Brussels between 5 and 8 February 2004. This turned out to be a brilliant opportunity for the group to apprehend the aims and actions of the project in the light of a discussion on successful past experiences and commonly agreed innovative ideas.
Firstly, partners concluded that it would be best that each Peer Review Exchange be attended by people sent by every one of the partners, so that all partners could benefit and make others benefit from each experience exchange.
During the first Steering Group Meeting, it was also decided that each peer review exchange should concentrate on a specific aspect of women’s involvement in decision making. A brainstorming discussion came up with three broad fields which would be tackled separately during the course of the first exchanges: Social, Political and Economic. The last peer review would be cross thematic and would have a focus on Integration of ethnic minority women. It would experience and would be combined with a Steering Group meeting to ensure an optimal coherence of experience reviewing.
Five partners proposed to host a peer review workshop on the themes that linked to the particular know-how and expertise developed in their area.
- Peer Review Exchange Workshop on "Family And Social Cohesion/Inclusion", Turin, 27-30 May 2004 focusing in the social field
- Peer Review Exchange Workshop on "Women In Participation", Belfast, 23-26 September 2004
- Peer Review Exchange Workshop on "Women And Labour Market", Toledo, 14-17 October 2004
- Cross Thematic Workshop, Northamptonshire and Birmingham, 18-21 November 2004
With this shaping of the peer exchange programme, the Steering Group found that reporting could be done most effectively by getting local coordinators involved more closely with the peer reviews themselves and that local coordinators should also attend Steering Group meetings. This required re-formulating the project budget and proposed changes were agreed on 02-04-04