Partners - Forum fifty percent
Forum 50 % addresses the situation where the insufficient representation of women in political life influences the quality of democracy and has a negative impact on the functioning of Czech society. We consider the low representation of women in politics as a breach of democratic principles (equal representation of men and women is a basic condition of democracy – not its possible outcome) and we will support discussion and measures leading to its solution.
Our aim is to achieve equal representation of women and men in all decision- making positions, both elected and appointed ones. To reach this goal we support all women who want to entry into politics or who are already politically active. Our long-term goal is to reach parity of men and women, which we consider to be the basic principle of democratic, pluralistic society. The main principle of our undertakings is apolitical approach - Forum 50 % is a strictly non-party association. We also work on a change of attitudes of Czech society towards women and men and their roles in public life. We further try to create equal and fair conditions for both women and men to participate in the decision making procedures. We are also realizing projects close to our main aim as implementing of Gender Budgeting etc.