A transnational Project Steering Group (PSG) was established. This consisted of the local co-ordinator plus one member of the Local Action Group.
The PSG met four times face to face during the life of the project:
- SGM 1 and Scoping Workshop. This took place on 4-6 April 2011 in Bucharest.
- SGM 2 took place in Sintra on 26 September.
- SGM 3 took place in Timisoara on 23 May 2012.
- SGM 4 took place on 28 January in Brussels.
In addition an additional first steering group meeting was organized in Brussels on May 30 -31 owing to the fact that firstly, one of the original partners had withdrawn from the project as result of political changes following an local election and secondly, the Greek partner was unable to travel to Bucharest as at that time there were very severe restrictions in place on travel and related costs for Greek civil servants.
The Project undertook two transnational workshops for delegates from the local LAGs.
The first workshop focused on "capacity building" which focused on building up capacity of the LAG delegates in respect to campaigning tools and approcahes and had input from the European Roma Rights Centre in relation to the EU legal context facing Roma genrally but also with a specific focus on discrimination of Roma children in eduction.
The second workshop had two elements. The first was an exchange between partrners which enabled partners to share their mid campaign reports. This enabled partners to share some good practices and also discuss issues and challenges they faced. During this part of the workshop we invited a “Roma Jury” to take part.This consisted of 5 local Roma people(activist, teacher, journalist, local politician, young person). They gave feedback on how they viewed the actions that partners were taking. The second part of the workshop focused on equal opportunities in relation to educational provision and also had a focus on EU and UN Child right strategies and had input from Eurochild in relation to tackling discrimination in education.
The Project undertook two events in Brussels to share the outcomes of the project. As part of the overall project, we had established links with EU Roma networks based in Brussels and other EU networks (eg Euro Child) and we organised an informal networking event where partners were able to present their outcomes at "stalls". This allowed for a more café style approach.
The second event was a more traditional workshop at the Committee of the Regions at which we had 40 external delegates participating.
On this page you can find and dowload all the documents related to the above transnational events.